

Monday, February 11, 2013

Two Lizards


I recall being awakened in the evening by my mother.  I sensed that she was very excited by something and I felt deeply attentive.  The permeating light around us had a soft, distant atmospheric quality, casting an indirect intensity, which enveloped everything like some strange lenses had been unknowingly placed over my eyes.  This quality felt natural and more familiar than my usual view and this mildly frightened me.  Our surroundings became shiny as if it had just rained.  The viscous shadows held a particular mystery and within them seemed to be portals to unknown worlds waiting and watching, all unique, connected and expanding beyond visibility.  She grasped my small hand and said she had something to show me.  We walked together, down into the darkness between our tall hedges in front of a short cinder block wall.  Everything exuded a violet hue.
She made sure she had my attention and then indicated with her finger to carefully direct my eyes to the top of the block wall adjacent.  Focusing, I was lured by the sight of two lizards engaged in violent combat.  One had succumbed to the other and was in the last throws of life, facing an apparently inevitable end.  The prevailing lizard had it pinned down with his jaws closed tightly around the neck and head.  There was an impersonal air of ruthless necessity in the eyes of them both.  The same look of detached endurance and surrender shared, despite the differences in their positions of victor and victim, neither abandoned themselves as they stared relentlessly into the world before them.
This cold look shocked and jolted me as my body trembled, experiencing a rippling sensation from their gaze into and back from my own.  The battle continued for some time as we observed silently.  I found myself alternating between the pair, experiencing the conflicting roles, which merged in this epic struggle of predator and prey.  Then after sometime, the slightly smaller lizard could fight no longer and was overcome entirely, suffocating as his throat was clutched mercilessly, the fittest prevailed. 
The shadows and configurations of the branches in the surrounding hedges composed random organic shapes, expanding into greater depths, soliciting the effect of staring down endless corridors. The more I looked at them, the darker everything became. 
Then my attention was returned to the animals.  The living one looked like he was kissing the expired rival.  He had his mouth placed right near the dead lizard’s mouth and he sat there motionless for a short while, in a restful meditation.  I waited and watched unable to break away.  The scales along the lizards’ bodies each held smaller scenes of their own as well, all within the different parts, subsequently dissecting further inwardly becoming worlds of their own sort.
They were long drably colored lizards, shaped like snakes, with small limbs and smooth shiny skin.  Their bodies had dark bands, light bellies and strange small black and white patches that looked like paint brush strokes against their gray bodies.  The shine on the scales of the living lizard were like his eyes, they emitted a glow.  The deceased lizard’s scales and eyes were dull.  The corpse slumped, merging more with the darkness than the other, now becoming difficult to discern.  He blended slowly into the background depths, reduced until he was just another shadow.  The living lizard changed his calm praying position as he opened his mouth, paused and to my amazement began to swallow the head of the dead reptile.
Again I felt something within me move and continued watching.  The head was swallowed and the shoulders were next.  They took a while because of the arms protruding and so again there was a pause after another timeless span.  I remained shocked and removed.  Both observing and feeling observed.
The cannibal lizard swallowed in phases, moving laterally to encompass the corpse with greater ease.  The legs were reached and it continued until there was only the tail left.  It made strange subtle movements as it finished eating the dark mass.  The tail looked like a long tongue sticking out of the devouring lizard’s mouth.  The lizard had been consumed and then the shiny glow and violet light dissipated as the gray mist turned everything dark again.
The next I remember it was sunny and warm.  I was out front in the afternoon light.  The lizard I held said something to me.  At first he was startled, then he felt vulnerable being held and became calm and connected, soothed by my grasp.  My focus was arrested as I felt a longing to move to another side beyond an expanse knowing that the lizard was conveying to me that it wanted to be across the yard.  I set him on the sun heated stone wall and walked off into the bright busy world.